secret note 5 stardew valley

Solved: Secret Note 5 in Stardew Valley – May 2024

Ever wondered what secrets lie hidden in the charming world of Stardew Valley?

Prepare to unearth the enigmatic allure of ‘Secret Note 5‘ as we embark on a quest to unveil its mysterious contents.

Will you be the one to crack the code and discover the hidden truth in secret note 5 stardew valley

secret note 5 stardew valley
secret note 5 stardew valley

How to find secret note 5 in stardew valley?

To find Secret Note 5 in Stardew Valley, follow these steps:

  1. Reach the Desert: First, you need to gain access to the Desert, which is located on the far right side of the map. To do this, visit the Bus Stop east of your farm and pay 500g to unlock the Bus service to the Desert.
    secret note 5 stardew valley
    secret note 5 stardew valley


  2. Head to the Calico Desert: Once you’ve unlocked the Desert, head there and locate the Desert Trader’s shop, known as the “Oasis.” It is a small building in the middle of the Desert.
    secret note 5 stardew valley
    secret note 5 stardew valley


  3. Purchase the Sandfish: Inside the Oasis, you’ll find a merchant named Mr. Qi. He occasionally sells rare and valuable items, including Secret Notes. Keep visiting the shop regularly, as the inventory changes each day. Eventually, Mr. Qi may offer Secret Note 5 for sale. The note itself costs a hefty sum of Qi Gems, so make sure to save up enough.
    secret note 5 stardew valley
    secret note 5 stardew valley


  4. Decode the Note: After purchasing Secret Note 5, open your inventory and click on it to read its contents. The note often contains cryptic clues or riddles that lead you to hidden locations or rewards within Stardew Valley.

Remember, Secret Note 5 is just one of many intriguing secrets scattered throughout the game, adding an extra layer of mystery and excitement to your farming adventures!

Penny’s handwriting

secret note 5 stardew valley
secret note 5 stardew valley


I want to get everyone something they love!

Mom: Parsnip, Glazed Yams, NO BEER!
Jas: Fairy Rose, Plum Pudding
Vincent: Pink Cake, Grape
Mr. Mullner: Leek, Fried Mushroom
Granny Mullner: Beet, Tulip

What is secret note 5 in stardew valley?

secret note 5 stardew valley
Secret Note 5 Stardew Valley


Secret Note 5 in Stardew Valley is one of the many collectible secret notes found throughout the game.

These secret notes are small, cryptic messages or clues that provide hints to hidden locations, events, or interactions within the game world.

Each note is numbered, and players can discover them as they explore Stardew Valley and interact with various elements of the environment.

Specifically, Secret Note 5 reads: “When the world is dark, and the moon is the only light.

I will look for you. You better look for me too.” This note hints at a romantic encounter with an NPC named Sandy, who can be found in the Calico Desert on nights with a full moon.

Keep in mind that the content and locations of Secret Notes may vary based on updates and changes made to the game

So it’s always a good idea to explore the world of Stardew Valley to uncover new secrets and surprises.


the world of Stardew Valley is filled with enchanting mysteries and hidden treasures, one of which is Secret Note 5.

As players embark on their farming adventures, they have the opportunity to stumble upon these cryptic messages that offer hints and clues to uncharted territories and rewarding encounters.

The allure of discovery and the joy of unraveling secrets add an extra layer of excitement to the game, making Stardew Valley a captivating and immersive experience for all players.

So, prepare to explore the depths of the valley, embrace the enigmatic charm of Secret Note 5, and unlock the wonders that await in this charming virtual world.

So, grab your Magnifying Glass and get ready to unravel the enigmatic world of Stardew Valley! Happy farming and sleuthing!

Remember to keep an eye out for Secret Note 19  and Secret Note 17 the other secret notes scattered throughout the game


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