Stardew Valley Slime Hutch » Best Layout & Purpose in 2025

Abdul Rehman / Updated on / Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch is used as a farm building material, purchase-able from Carpenter’s Shop sold by Robin. Carpenter’s Shop has up-to 20 slime available for purchase.

Slime Hutch
Animals Slimes
Capacity 20
Size 11-by-6
Build Cost 10,000 Gold
Material Required 1 x Iridium Bar
500 x Stone
10 x Refined Quartz


Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Layout

Layout #1

stardew valley slime hutch layout
stardew valley slime hutch layout

No more getting hurt at the slime hutch 😀 Works perfectly fine. Need a silver+ watering can though.

-MarbledBeat (See his review here)

Layout #2

stardew valley slime hutch best layout
stardew valley slime hutch layout

Layout #3

stardew valley slime hutch tips
stardew valley slime hutch tips for layout

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Tips

  • You can place a wicked statue inside your slime hutch to prevent the Witch from cursing it.
  • A full slime hutch gives around 60 slime per day.
  • You need 100 slime to make a slime egg.
  • Slime eggs sell for 1000-5000 Gold.
  • When you purchase Slime Hutch, Marlon will give you a Slime Egg to help you start breeding slime.
  • Slimes need water to make slime balls.
  • You can use slime incubator to hatch slime eggs into a slime.
  • Slime incubation takes entire 4,000 in-game minutes to hatch slime.
  • Gender of the slime hatched is absolutely random.
  • Slime balls explode into 15-25 slimes for you to collect.
  • You can use these Slimes to make more slime eggs.
  • Slime rings make you immune to slimes.

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Purpose

As long as you keep on filling your slime water area daily, they will keep on generating slime balls. A full slime hutch gives around 60 slime per day.

Stardew Valley Slime Egg Press

You need 100 slime to make a slime egg. Slime eggs sell for 1000-5000 Gold. In case you have a lot of slime, you can turn them into eggs and earn profit.

Slime Eggs selling prices by Slime color are given below.

Green 1000 Gold
Blue 1,750 Gold
Red 2,500 Gold
Purple 5,000 Gold


Kill Slime

You can kill slime to get valuable items. Like killing red slime could drop coal, gold ore and diamonds. Killing Purple Slime will give you iridium, coal and diamonds.

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Walkthrough

When you purchase Slime Hutch, Marlon will give you a Slime Egg to help you start breeding slime.

Slimes need water to make slime balls. The slime hutch has 4 water troughs. You’ve to fill them with water so that slimes can produce slime balls.


Slime Charmer Ring

Slime in the slime hutch will try to hurt you be jumping at your player. Use slime charmer ring to stay safe from damage and debuffs.

Slime Eggs

Slime sometimes give Slime Eggs. Purple slimes drop purple slime eggs, red slimes drop red eggs, blue slimes give blue and green slimes give green slime eggs.

You can use these eggs to hatch new slime. Slime eggs can be sold too. Their selling price depends on their color.

  • Red Slime Eggs
    • Price: 2,500 Gold
  • Purple Slime Eggs
    • Price: 5,000 Gold
  • Green Slime Eggs
    • Price: 1,000 Gold
  • Blue Slime Eggs
    • Price: 1,750 Gold

Slime Incubator

You can use slime incubator to hatch slime eggs into a slime. Slime incubation takes entire 4,000 in-game minutes to hatch slime. Coop master Profession cuts down this time to 2,000 in-game minutes to hatch slime.

Hatched slime are of the same color as the slime egg is. Purple egg will hatch purple slime, red slime will hatch red slime, green will hatch green slime & blue egg will hatch into blue slime.

Gender of the slime hatched is absolutely random and can’t be predicted before the eggs are hatched.

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Farming

I have had the slime hutch for about a year in-game time. I can tell you a few things. First, you need both males and females for them to breed. Second, Slime need water water to produce slime balls.

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Breeding

Male slime with a round antenna might mate with a female slime. If both slime, male and female show a heart, it means they will have a baby of the same color and same HP but half of their size.

stardew valley slime hutch tips about breeding
stardew valley slime hutch tips about breeding

If one of them have heart but other one an exclamation mark, it mean the one with exclamation mark refused the advances of the other slime.

They breed like crazy and will breed into different colors. They produce slime balls that you can harvest. These slime balls explode into like 15-25 slimes for you to collect. You can use these slimes to make more slime eggs.

Be careful when you go in to feed them, they will attack and mob you. Grey ones are the most notorious ones in all of ’em.

You can also use pathway blockers like fences and statues, to trap and isolate them. You can still collect the slime balls and isolated slimes will still reproduce.

You can use steel or copper upgraded Watering can to fill water troughs automatically with the need of entering the area.

Enclosing the water sources anywhere will do fine, as the slimes don’t need to reach the water troughs.

Stardew Valley Slime Ring

Slime Ring makes you immune to slimes. How to get slime Ring? You need to kill atleast 1,000 slimes. They only you can get slime ring for the adventurer’s guild.

Stardew Valley Slime Hutch Worth It

So far, it’s useless to have slimes. You don’t really need slimes for anything except well…. Slimes. I had 6 slime hutches. They gave a steady 6k profit/day, which you can easily get from any other animal like cows or sheep.


How many slimes are there in the slime hutch?

There can be maximum 20 slimes in a Slime Hutch. No slimes would hatch if it’s already full.

Where are the most slimes in Stardew Valley?

Slimes can be found at various locations like, The Mines and the Secret Woods.

Where can I find slime eggs in Stardew Valley?

You can get slime eggs from following sources:

  • You will get 1 Green Slime Egg from Marlon when you build Slime Hutch.
  • Slime eggs are dropped by Slimes.
  • You can craft slime eggs in Slime hutch if you have 100 slime or more.

Is a Slime Hutch worth it?

Slime Hutch are good if you’re doing Iridium Farming. (Can be used to craft Iridium Sprinkler) I don’t care about deep mining so slime hutch does give me good amount of supply.

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stardew valley slime hutch layout tips
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